How to Ace the Roland Berger Analytical Test

How to Ace the Roland Berger Analytical Test

If you’ve received an email from Roland Berger asking you to take their analytical test, you’re probably wondering what it covers and how to prepare.

Good news! You’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll discuss:

  • What the Roland Berger Analytical Test assesses.
  • The best ways to prepare for the test.
  • Our 4 tips on passing the test.
  • How to avoid mistakes on the Roland Berger Analytical Test.

Let’s get started!

What Is the Roland Berger Analytical Test & What Does It Assess?

The Roland Berger Analytical Test is one of the initial recruitment steps after you’ve submitted your application. The test helps the recruitment / HR team determine your fit for a consulting role with the firm. Roland Berger uses the analytical test to assess candidates’ critical thinking and reasoning, analytical, and problem-solving skills.

The Roland Berger Analytical Test is typically taken online. It’s a 90-minute “GMAT-style” test. This means the test is adaptive and the difficulty of the questions changes in real-time based on your answers.

The test is multiple choice and divided into three parts that assess your quantitative and verbal reasoning. Candidates are not allowed to use a calculator during the test and, in addition to facing tough questions, candidates are typically under a lot of time pressure. The section below will provide you with best practices on how to prepare and how to ensure you’re able to manage this time pressure.

Once you pass the analytical test, the next step in the recruiting process will be the case and behavioral interviews.


Nail the case & fit interview with strategies from former MBB Interviewers that have helped 89.6% of our clients pass the case interview.

The Best Way to Prepare for the Roland Berger Analytical Test

As with most analytical tests, the best way to prepare is to practice. The list below provides resources to help you prepare adequately for the test. Candidates are advised to go through each of the resources to get the most out of their preparation. However, if you’re short on time, focus on the Roland Berger sample tests that are provided.

Roland Berger Analytical Sample Test

Candidates will be able to access a sample test which is the most accurate representation of the real test. Candidates have noted that this sample test is indicative of the initial difficulty level of the real test (remember: it is an adaptive test and difficulty level changes based on your answers). The sample test contains questions that test a candidate’s ability to interpret data presented in multiple formats such as qualitative, quantitative, or graphical and select the most appropriate answer.

The following is an example of sample test questions:

Roland Berger Analytical Test: sample test questions

How to solve the sample question

  1.  First, assign a number (in sequence) for each of the letters in the word PINCH, i.e. 1,2,3,4,5.
  2. Then, re-arrange the numbers according to the second word HNCIP, i.e., 5,3,4,2,1.
  3. Assign a number (in sequence) to each digit in the number 23787 i.e., 1,2,3,4,5.
  4. Using the sequence of numbers in step 2, rearrange the number above to follow that sequence, i.e., 5,3,4,2,1. Your answer is 77832.
Roland Berger Analytical Test: sales per product graph

How to solve the sample question

 First, estimate the sales per product in March.

    1. A = 4 EUR m
    2. B = 5 EUR m
    3. C = 3 EUR m
  1. Second, sum up the sales for March and calculate the proportion of C over the total sales in March.
    1. C = 3 / 12 EUR m
    2. Your answer is 25%

Remember, the questions might seem easy at the start of the test and will progressively get harder with every correct answer. Ensure you have a quick pace at the start of the test to give you time to go through the harder questions.

Practice GMAT Tests

GMAT prep tests are another good way to prepare for the Roland Berger Analytical Test as they have a similar feel and style. Like the Roland Berger Analytical Test, GMAT tests are timed, multiple-choice, and adaptive. The tests are categorized into four parts: analytical writing, integrated reasoning, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning. Focus your practice on the integrated, verbal, and quantitative reasoning sections.

You can access free online GMAT practice tests that match the real exam format and provide a timer to assist in managing time. Additional GMAT prep guide resources include a GMAT strategy guide or a GMAT prep book focused on quantitative questions. If you don’t have a strong background in business or economics, you might find a primer on economics helpful.

Practice Tip: Don’t just work away at problems!

The most important aspect of this preparation is to review your GMAT test practice questions and determine the trends in questions you got wrong. This will help you understand any gaps you may have in understanding a concept and help you tackle that type of question faster and more accurately. We advise candidates to continuously focus on areas they struggle with until they consistently get them right.

Typically, we see three areas where candidates struggle:

  • Math – careless mistakes and inability to set up math questions to easily solve them.
  • Comprehension – extracting data from text, a table, or a graph and using it to solve a problem.
  • Unconscious bias – not using data provided and relying on your own experience and perceptions.

Talent Q Elements Practice Tests

Korn Ferry’s Talent Q is a leading developer of tests that help employers assess and find the best candidates. The Roland Berger Analytical Test was created and based on the Talent Q platform and you should be able to use this platform to practice. Talent Q’s Elements Practice tests provide candidates with an opportunity to work on their critical reasoning and thinking through online practice tests.

You can sign up to the Talent Q website free of charge and access three ~15-minute practice tests (numerical, verbal, and logical assessments). There is only one practice test per assessment however candidates can take the test as many times as they would like. The practice tests are designed for candidates to become familiar with this format. It’s a great idea to combine Talent Q practice tests with either the sample Roland Berger Analytical Test or the GMAT prep test.

For more information on the best way to prepare for tests, read our article on Online Consulting Tests & One-Way Video Interviews.

Our 4 Tips on Passing the Roland Berger Online Test

Roland Berger analytical Test: Roland Berger Online Test

1. Build a Preparation Plan

Depending on how much preparation time you have, develop a study plan to work through concepts and take practice tests. A plan will help you stay on track and this consistency will improve your scores on the practice tests. Don’t underestimate how long it could take you to prepare for the analytical test.

2. Practice in a Smart Way

Approach each practice test as if you are sitting for the actual Roland Berger Analytical Test. Afterward, review your test results and identify areas where you may have gaps. Focus on these subjects to improve your understanding of the material and track your progress in the following practice test.

3. Practice! Practice! Practice!

The best way to be prepared for the analytical tests is to become more familiar with the type of questions asked and what the right answers look like. Continuous practice will also enable you to work on your pacing and answer questions faster. Brain games can also help you prepare for the test and aid in improving logical and numerical reasoning.

Free brain training apps include Peak, Mensa Brain Training, and Elevate.

4. Be Prepared on Test Day

Before you take the test, ensure that your tech is working appropriately. Plan to take the test in a quiet environment away from distractions. Make sure it’s an environment where you feel relaxed and clear away anything you don’t need for the test. Put your phone on airplane mode and tell your friends and family about the test so that they don’t disturb you. And when the test is over, it’s also nice to have people to talk to about the test. We understand that consulting tests can be stressful and high pressure, and having the support of people who care about you can make it feel less daunting.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes on the Roland Berger Analytical Test

Here are some common mistakes we see from candidates preparing for the tests and advice on how to avoid them.

  • Candidates who have previously done and passed the GMAT may feel no need to practice.

Don’t underestimate the need for practice. If you’ve done the GMAT before, try out other online practice tests that have a similar format. You can also review your GMAT prep materials as this will help you jog your memory.

  • Candidates do not monitor their progress and pacing during practice.

There is time pressure during the Roland Berger Analytical Test. Candidates are advised to practice with a purpose and continuously monitor how well they are progressing with each practice.

  • Candidates do not have the right equipment during test day.

Though you are not allowed to have a calculator, remember to have a pen and paper to take notes and do math. Ensure that your laptop is connected to the internet, that you have a strong connection, and that you are doing the test in a quiet place with no distractions.

 – – – – –

In this article, we’ve covered:

  • How the Roland Berger Analytical Tests fit into the recruitment process and what skills are assessed.
  • The format of the Roland Berger Analytical Test.
  • How to prepare for the analytical test.
  • Our 4 tips on passing the analytical test.
  • Common mistakes to avoid.

Still have questions?

If you have more questions about the Roland Berger online assessment, leave them in the comments below. One of My Consulting Offer’s case coaches will answer them.

Other people prepping for Roland Berger interviews found the following pages helpful:


Help with Case Study Interview Prep

Thanks for turning to My Consulting Offer for advice on consulting interview prep. My Consulting Offer has helped almost 89.6% of the people we’ve worked with to get a job in management consulting. We want you to be successful in your consulting interviews too. For example, here is how Meghna was able to get her offer from McKinsey.                   


Nail the case & fit interview with strategies from former MBB Interviewers that have helped 89.6% of our clients pass the case interview.

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